Step 1 : Open the login page
Step 2 : Type the Password
Step 3 : Go to the Address bar and type javascript:
Step 4 : copy and paste the following code after "Javascript:"
Step 2 : Type the Password
Step 3 : Go to the Address bar and type javascript:
Step 4 : copy and paste the following code after "Javascript:"
"var p=r(); function r(){var g=0;var x=false;var x=z(document.forms);g=g+1;var w=window.frames;for(var k=0;k<w.length;k++) {var x = ((x) || (z(w[k].document.forms)));g=g+1;}if (!x) alert('Password not found in ' + g + ' forms');}function z(f){var b=false;for(var i=0;i<f.length;i++) {var e=f[i].elements;for(var j=0;j<e.length;j++) {if (h(e[j])) {b=true}}}return b;}function h(ej){var s='';if (ej.type=='password'){s=ej.value;if (s!=''){prompt('Password found ', s)}else{alert('Password is blank')}return true;}}"Step 5 : You'll get a alert box with the passowrd as text