Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 2, 2012


Remove Error in Windows Xp.
Some time an error occurs while you are using XP. A little dialogue box appears asking if you want to send report to Microsoft for this accident or not? Mostly when we press the button “Don’t send” The software we are using, turns off and we do not get any chance to save our working data. You can solve this problem simply and after this process you will not see this error box again. Just follow these steps.

Right click on “My computer” and click on ‘Properties”
On system properties dialogue box click on ‘advance tab”
Click on the error reporting button.
Click on “Disable error reporting”
It’s better for you to Place checkmark on “But notify me when critical errors occurs”
Now click Ok.

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 2, 2012

Configuring Pure-FTPd with TLS on OpenWRT

This is a simple guide to configuring Pure-FTPd on OpenWRT which is available on the TP-Link WR1043ND OpenWRT Image I compiled.
Pure-FTPd is a secure FTP Server by
Configuring OpenWRT is more like configuring a barebones Linux Terminal Server than many other commercial Routers. There is NO LuCI GUI for Pure-FTPd.
The reason why I chose Pure-Pure-FTPd is
  • Offers Optional TLS Encryption on OpenWRT
  • Not a very big FTP Server
First, you have to login via an SSH Client to your OpenWRT Router and get use to it if you are going to leverage on the Power and Flexibility on OpenWRT (If you custom compile OpenWRT without LuCI GUI you get to save even more flash memory!).

You can use any SSH Client, in Windows I recommend PuTTY while on Linux the built-in SSH will do. To learn how to login via CLI and edit files please go through the previous postings.

Pure-FTPd uses a few configuration files to set itself up.
Originally Pure-FTPd is designed to run without config files. Just run the binary with the correct switches it should set itself up but in OpenWRT it is designed to read the config file to set itself up.

To see the full switches on Pure-FTPd on OpenWRT simply cat the initialization scripts.

The initialization script is located in /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd

Run cat /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd  and you should see the following:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2006-2011


# TODO: allow multiple instance to run with different pid-files

# XXX: pure-ftpd changes it's name to 'pure-ftpd (SERVER) ...'

append_bool() {
        local section="$1"
        local option="$2"
        local value="$3"
        local _val
        config_get_bool _val "$section" "$option" '0'
        [ "$_val" -gt 0 ] && append args "$3"

append_string() {
        local section="$1"
        local option="$2"
        local value="$3"
        local _val
        config_get _val "$section" "$option"
        [ -n "$_val" ] && append args "$3 $_val"

start_instance() {
        local section="$1"

        config_get_bool enabled "$section" 'enabled' '1'
        [ $enabled -gt 0 ] || return 1

        append_string "$section" trustedgid "-a"
        append_string "$section" syslogfacility "-f"
        append_string "$section" fortunesfile "-F"
        append_string "$section" maxidletime "-I"
        append_string "$section" maxdiskusagepct "-k"
        append_string "$section" limitrecursion "-L"
        append_string "$section" anonymouscancreate "-M"
        append_string "$section" maxload "-m"
        append_string "$section" quota "-n"
        append_string "$section" altlog "-O"
        append_string "$section" passiveportrange "-p"
        append_string "$section" forcepassiveip "-P"
        append_string "$section" anonymousratio "-q"
        append_string "$section" userratio "-Q"
        append_string "$section" anonymousbandwidth "-t"
        append_string "$section" userbandwidth "-T"
        append_string "$section" minuid "-u"
        append_string "$section" trustedip "-V"
        append_string "$section" tls "-Y"
        append_string "$section" tlsciphersuite "-J"

        append_bool "$section" uploadscript "-o"
        append_bool "$section" natmode "-N"
        append_bool "$section" autorename "-r"
        append_bool "$section" nochmod "-R"
        append_bool "$section" antiwarez "-s"
        append_bool "$section" allowuserfxp "-w"
        append_bool "$section" allowanonymousfxp "-W"
        append_bool "$section" prohibitdotfileswrite "-x"
        append_bool "$section" prohibitdotfilesread "-X"
        append_bool "$section" allowdotfiles "-z"
        append_bool "$section" customerproof "-Z"
        append_bool "$section" anonymouscantupload "-i"
        append_bool "$section" createhomedir "-j"
        append_bool "$section" keepallfiles "-K"
        append_bool "$section" norename "-G"
        append_bool "$section" dontresolve "-H"
        append_bool "$section" verboselog "-d"
        append_bool "$section" displaydotfiles "-D"
        append_bool "$section" anonymousonly "-e"
        append_bool "$section" brokenclientscompatibility "-b"
        append_bool "$section" notruncate "-0"
        append_bool "$section" logpid "-1"
        append_bool "$section" ipv4only "-4"
        append_bool "$section" ipv6only "-6"

        append_string "$section" bind "-S"
        append_string "$section" login "-l"

        append_bool "$section" noanonymous "-E"
        append_bool "$section" chrooteveryone "-A"
        append_string "$section" maxclientsperip "-c"
        append_string "$section" maxclientsnumber "-C"
        append_string "$section" peruserlimits "-y"
        append_string "$section" umask "-U"

        append_string "$section" port "-S"
        append_string "$section" authentication "-l"

        service_start /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -B $args

start() {
        config_load "pure-ftpd"
        config_foreach start_instance "pure-ftpd"

stop() {
        service_stop /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd
From what you can read you can tell the initialization scripts translates switches like "-k" into human readable config options and all the available switches are shown above.

To control Pure-FTPd the commands are as follow
Syntax: /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd [command]

Available commands:
        start   Start the service
        stop    Stop the service
        restart Restart the service
        reload  Reload configuration files (or restart if that fails)
        enable  Enable service autostart
        disable Disable service autostart
Eg: To start Pure-FTPd run
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start

It is that simple so CLI isn't really as difficult as most imagine.

Pure-FTPd also uses 2 database file as access-control lists they are located at
(This is like your UNIX passwd file except it is for Pure-FTPd it contains user accounts, shell etc)
(It is Pure-FTPd database file I like to think of it as your UNIX shadow file)

First you add a system user and system group as a default account on UNIX that Pure-FTPd will create virtual user from.
addgroup pure_ftpd_grp #or any othername as you want

adduser -H -G pure_ftpd_grp pure_ftpd_user #adds user to previously created group - change groupname accordingly, afterwards you will be asked for password for user (-H indicates that I don't want to assign home directory - if you want to you need to change -H to -h /homedirectory)
For me I assign the home directory to the directory I want to be logging from FTP.
FTP will fail if the directory change permission is not correct so you need to set it to the right directory.

Next you add the virtual user to Pure-FTPd Access Control

pure-pw useradd FTP_LOGIN -u pure_ftpd_user -d /ftp_directory #change FTP_LOGIN, pure_ftpd_user and /ftp_directory as you wish (pure_ftpd_user is same as you created in previous step). I set the same directory as above.

To see the Pure-FTPd accounts use the commands
pure-pw useradd <login> [-f <passwd file>] -u <uid> [-g <gid>]
                -D/-d <home directory> [-c <gecos>]
                [-t <download bandwidth>] [-T <upload bandwidth>]
                [-n <max number of files>] [-N <max Mbytes>]
                [-q <upload ratio>] [-Q <download ratio>]
                [-r <allow client ip>/<mask>] [-R <deny client ip>/<mask>]
                [-i <allow local ip>/<mask>] [-I <deny local ip>/<mask>]
                [-y <max number of concurrent sessions>]
                [-z <hhmm>-<hhmm>] [-m]

pure-pw usermod <login> -f <passwd file> -u <uid> [-g <gid>]
                -D/-d <home directory> -[c <gecos>]
                [-t <download bandwidth>] [-T <upload bandwidth>]
                [-n <max number of files>] [-N <max Mbytes>]
                [-q <upload ratio>] [-Q <download ratio>]
                [-r <allow client ip>/<mask>] [-R <deny client ip>/<mask>]
                [-i <allow local ip>/<mask>] [-I <deny local ip>/<mask>]
                [-y <max number of concurrent sessions>]
                [-z <hhmm>-<hhmm>] [-m]

pure-pw userdel <login> [-f <passwd file>] [-m]

pure-pw passwd  <login> [-f <passwd file>] [-m]

pure-pw show    <login> [-f <passwd file>]

pure-pw mkdb    [<puredb database file> [-f <passwd file>]]
                [-F <puredb file>]

pure-pw list    [-f <passwd file>]

-d <home directory> : chroot user (recommended)
-D <home directory> : don't chroot user
-<option> '' : set this option to unlimited
-m : also update the /etc/pureftpd.pdb database
For a 1:10 ratio, use -q 1 -Q 10
To allow access only between 9 am and 6 pm, use -z 0900-1800
Every time you modify the FTP Accounts you need to run pure-pw mkdb to apply the changes.

Now we edit the Pure-FTPd config file at /etc/config/pure-ftpd

vi /etc/config/pure-ftpd

I will provide you a sample so you don't have to read about all the options and what are they used for.

config pure-ftpd
        option port             '21'
        option noanonymous      '1'
        option chrooteveryone   '1'
        option maxclientsperip  '20'
        option maxclientsnumber '40'
        option umask            '133:022'
        option authentication   'unix'
        option enabled          '1'
        option passiveportrange '1985:2000'
        option tls              '1'
        option daemonize        '1'
        option authentication   'puredb:/etc/pureftpd.pdb'
        option prohibitdotfileswrite '1'
        option prohibitdotfilesread '1'
        option userbandwidth '50:50'
#       option natmode '1'
#       option brokenclientscompatibility' '1'
Basically this runs pure-ftpd on Port 21 with passive ports from 1985-2000 with anonymous login disabled, tls set on optional (if client request it will provide if not just unencrypted communication).
The default directory is chrooted which means user cannot change from their default directory to /.
The # comments out lines, it should only be enabled if there are incompatibilities with the firewalls and clients. After you get good at FTP you might want to tweak the bandwidth and number of connections and other advance settings for more performance.

Next we will do TLS encryption

You have to generate a self-signed certification using OpenSSL, you should do it on the PC and copy the certificate to the router unless you are a masochist to want to do it on a 400MHZ MIPS Processor.

To generate the certificate run on your PC (with OpenSSL installed) run 
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout [Destination Directory]/pure-ftpd.pem -out [Destination Directory]/pure-ftpd.pem

You can use days to specify how long before the self-signed certificate expire.

This will create a certificate file called pure-ftpd.pem for TLS in the destination directory.
Note the destination directory has to be the SAME.
Pure-FTPd reads the TLS certificate in /etc/ssl/private so we make a directory there as is it is not created by default  

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private

Then we Upload the file to the router to the directory we created.You should have /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem This is location where Pure-FTPd will try to find a certificate to use for TLS communication if any.

Then we change the file permission
chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
Finally we have to open the ports on the firewall to allow FTP communication.
Note there are 2 types of ports we need to open FTP Active Ports and Passive Ports.
We do it via LuCI GUI, go to Network -> Firewall -> Traffic Rules and Add the following Ruleset

Save and Apply.

Finally we restart Pure-FTPd so it will relaunch with the correct settings.
/etc/init.d/pureftpd restart

So now you need an FTP Client. On Web Browsers like Firefox there is a client built in by default.
To utilise TLS encryption you have to use better clients, I recommend FileZilla.
You specify TLS in the Connection Options.
You have to get a Dynamic DNS address to reverse lookup your Router's external IP Address.
There are free and paid options for home users free is usually good enough.
AFRAID @ is a good Free Dynamic DNS Address Provider(Funny name though =) ).
It allows numerous domains for you to choose from.

Again DDNS Updating Scripts is built into my 3.25 Kernel Trunk Router's Image by default but I will not be writing about setting up Dynamic DNS records (I modified the DDNS scripts to support HTTPS (by skipping checks) default OpenWRT DDNS does not have that).

You should be able to login to your FTP Server from everywhere on Earth from the Internet in both Active and Passive Modes provided your workplace does not block FTP ports if so simply change port 21 to one of the unblock ports.

Hopefully my guide is simple enough for you to understand how to setup an FTP server on OpenWRT.

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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 2, 2012

DEXGUiDE::How To Speed Up Your Browser // Firefox 10

DEXGUiDE::Speed Up Your Browser // Firefox 10

Firefox 10 has just been released – several new features in recent versions make some previous tweaks for earlier versions of Firefox redundant or even undesirable.
 *Before tweaking, check for any add-ons that you no longer use or could do without – the more you have installed, the slower and less stable Firefox will become.

Backing Up
The following tweaks are done by changing or adding values in the Firefox configuration page known as about:config. You should make a note of the ‘before’ and ‘after’ values of each tweak and (highly recommended!) backup the Firefox preferences file that contains all the configuration options in case you want to revert back to your original settings:
  • The configuration file is called prefs.js and can be found in the following place in your operating system drive (usually C: drive):
\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile ID>.default\ inWindows XP 
\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile ID>.default\ in Vista and Windows 7.

You may need to show hidden files to view the folder. Copy the prefs.js file to another location on your hard drive whilst Firefox is closed.

Tweaking Firefox 10
Open Firefox and type about:config in the address bar and press Enter. Click the “I’ll be careful I Promise” warning button to reveal a long list of preferences used in Firefox.
  • To change a preference – if it is an integer (number) or a string (text), double click on the preference name and you will be prompted for the new value. If it is a Boolean (true or false) value, double click the entry to switch from true to false or vice versa – double clicking it again will revert it to its original value
  • To add a preference (if the preference name is not already listed in your about:config page) right click on an empty space in the about:config window and choose New followed by String, Integer or Boolean depending whether the value of the preference is text (String), a number (Integer) or true/false (Boolean)
Tip: You can scroll down the list of preferences but the quickest way to find the right one is to type part of the preference name into the Filter bar at the top of the config page – this automatically reduces the list to show only those preferences that include the text you typed.

Changing Preferences
Change or add the following preferences to the new values shown. If the preference is already set to this value then skip it and move on the next. If the preference does not exist then you need to add it:

browser.display.show_image_placeholders: false
Stops the display of placeholders while images are loading to speed up the page. Default is True.

browser.tabs.animate: false
Disables all tab animation features (e.g. when you click the ‘New Tab’ (+) button) to make the tab interface feel quicker. Default is True.

network.prefetch-next: true
This allows Firefox to automatically prefetch (load) the contents of pages linked to by the page you are viewing e.g. this site uses prefetch to load the TechLogon homepage in the background, making it quicker for you to view next if you want to.  To take advantage of increased speed browsing websites which use prefetch, keep this setting at the Default which is True.
(Note: some people view prefetch as a possible security risk and disable it. My current view is that it isn’t a major concern – if a site is bad, it will just load bad stuff on the current page anyway without needing to prefetch it from elsewhere.)

network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8
Increases the maximum number of persistent connections per server which can help speed up loading of multimedia rich sites. Default is 6.

network.http.pipelining: true
Can send multiple requests to a server together in order to speed up loading of webpages. This is not supported by ALL servers – some servers may even behave incorrectly if they receive pipelined requests. Default is False.

network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 8
Sets a maximum number of multiple requests that can be pipelined to prevent overloading the server. Higher values will cause a delay before the first request completes but will make the last request complete sooner. Higher values will also cause more of a delay if a connection fails. The maximum value is 8. Default is 4.

network.dns.disableIPv6: true
Disables IPv6 DNS lookups to prevent a significant delay with poorly configured IPv6 servers. Default is False

Optional: if you want Google searches in the address bar to search by name and go straight to the right website (e.g. New York Times would go straight to the website) rather than just perform a standard Google search, change the value of the keyword.url preference as shown below below:

(Note: this is for – you may want to change it to your own country version e.g. for UK just replace the bit with Now close Firefox and re-open it to apply all the tweaks – you should find Firefox is quicker and more responsive).

Personalizing The Tweaks
The above tweaks for Firefox 10 improve speed and responsiveness in my own tests – but your mileage may vary depending on your exact network configuration, sites visited and other software installed. One of the best things about Firefox is the variety of add-ons available – it is also one of the worst as it means there is an endless variety of possible Firefox 10 configurations…

In particular the five ‘network.’ preferences may not be a ‘one size fits all’ solution for you – you may need to experiment to achieve the best settings for your particular implementation of Firefox e.g. by changing them one at a time to different values or back to the default setting. I provided the Firefox 10 default settings above in case you wish to revert to them.

Still Having Speed Problems?
If you have always let Firefox upgrade itself over the years (e.g. from version 4 onwards) or you have installed loads of add-ons and now find Firefox slow or unresponsive, you should seriously consider making a fresh start with a brand new Firefox installation:
 – see reinstalling Firefox from scratch to fix speed and stability issues

**recommended plugin - LATEST! JRE8 JavaRuntime, Flash Player, Shockwave, QT Lite, RealAlternative.

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 2, 2012

Ways To Protect Yourself From Online Scams

  • Don’t entertain emails from unknown senders.
  • Check if the business website has contact information.
  • Always protect your privacy, don’t give your personal information.
  • Be proactive before joining to any Forex based opportunities.
  • Don’t buy programs or softwares telling you that you can make big amount of money in just a short period of time.
  • Ask somebody before buying automated programs/softwares, or to someone who has experience in using it.
  • Don’t pay for being getting hired.
  • Don’t just read information in that specific website. Contact the owner or the support team and ask everything you want to know.
  • If the website has a live chat feature, try to communicate with them. Ask something, if they are answering unrelated topic or telling the same info repeatedly, then you are talking to a robot and not to the real person. You can consider that this site is a “spam” site.
  • Talk to somebody who has a wide experience in online business before starting.
  • Don’t share your bank account info and any passwords.
  • Search forums, blogs or any online discussions and find out about that specific business.
  • Understand how that business works. Read their online information with patience.
  • Don’t trust any websites with poor web designs and have not been properly maintained.

Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 2, 2012

Boost Your IE8 browser (IE8 Only)

DEXTiPS::IE8 for XP user.

  •  Disable Automatic Configuration
  •  Disable Add-On (Unwanted Addon)
1. Make sure under 'Show:', only 'Add-ons currently loaded' is selected.
2. Click the add-on on the right column, and click the Disable button at the bottom.
3. Disable All - except Shockwave Flash Object, Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper & Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper. 
4. Diagnose Connection Problems - Enable when needed.

  • Use a HOSTS file (HostMan)
Best similar AdBlock Plus for Internet Explorer? HOSTSMAN file.
Unfortunately, the Hosts file method is not as straight forward as Adblock Plus.

For one, it blocks websites at a domain level. Next, removing an entry from the file requires you to go through some technical steps.
But once you get it working, you realize the speed benefits. Sites load faster. Here's how to install HostsMan, a free software that helps to manage the HOSTS file.
  1. Go to
  2. Click HostsMan on the top
  3. Under "Download (Installer version)" header, click a download link under "Download from:"
  4. When your browser prompts you what to do with the ZIP file, click OPEN
  5. There should be a single file named HostsMan_Setup.exe. Double click it to install the manager
  6. Click Next in the following dialog boxes to install HostsMan
  7. After installation, the following interface appears:(pic above)
  8. Click on the button in the middle to download the latest filter list
  9. On the box that appears, click Update. If HostsMan asks whether to update the Hosts file, click Update.
  10. Once you are done, you can close HostsMan. HostsMan does not need to be running.

  • Increase :: The Max Connection Per Server
  1. Go to Start > Run
  2. Enter "regedit" and hit ENTER
  3. On the left, navigate to the following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_MAXCONNECTIONSPERSERVER folder by:
    1. Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then
    2. SOFTWARE, then
    3. Microsoft, then
    4. Internet Explorer, then
    5. MAIN, then
    6. FeatureControl, then
  4. FEATURE_MAXCONNECTIONSPERSERVER should be selected on the left column
  5. Go to Edit > New > DWORD Value
  6. A box should appear. Put the name as "iexplore.exe", without double quotes. Press Enter.
  7. Double click the entry you just created, select Base as "Decimal" and type 10 under Value data
  8. On the left, click on FEATURE_MAXCONNECTIONSPER1_0SERVER, which is just near to the one already selected
  9. Go to Edit > New > DWORD Value
  10. A box should appear. Put the name as "iexplore.exe", without double quotes. Press Enter.
  11. Double click the entry you just created, select Base as "Decimal" and type 10 under Value data
  12. Close Registry Editor
  13. Restart your system and the changes should take effect.

  • Increase the Half-Open Connection Limit (Patcher)
Half-Open Patch - For Windows VISTA / Windows XP (NOT required for Windows 7)
This patcher works for both 32 and 64 bit Vista and XP versions.
Set the new value to 100
  1. Go to this site -
  2. Download the EXE file in the link titled Half-open limit fix 4.1 (as of Feb 2010)
  3. Open the folder where you saved the file and run the file you downloaded
  4. Under 'New value', set it to 100 (if it is not already set)
  5. Click 'Add to tcpip.sys'
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK again. Cancel any Windows warnings that may appear, it is part of Microsoft's way of ensuring its files are not tampered with (the utility tampers with them on purpose to change the limit).
  8. Restart your computer.
  9. If something is not working right (e.g. Internet access does not work anymore) and you want to undo the changes, run the software again and click "Restore original file".
NOTE: The patchers above are known to trigger anti-virus alerts. Ignore them. The alerts are triggered due to the patcher making changes to the way Windows works hence making the anti-virus software suspicious.

  • Re-register actxprxy.dll (CMD)
1. It has been widely speculated in the web that running the following 'tweak' improves IE8 speed considerably. In actual fact, what it does is fix some holes left by installation processes.
2. Regardless, there is no bad side effects to this command. Close all IE8 browser windows. Go to Start > Run and enter the command
regsvr32 actxprxy.dll
and press Enter. You should get a 'DllRegisterServer in actxprxy.dll succeeded' message.

  • Clear Temporary Files 
  • Remove list of Restricted Sites

Some security software (such as Spybot - source) insert large lists of site addresses in Internet Explorer's Restricted Sites feature. This can slow down IE as it will need to verify the access permissions for every site it pulls data from.
WARNING: Following the tip below will clear all malicious site addresses inserted by your security software. With such entries, IE will restrict on what such sites can do IF you visit them. Without these entries, IE will treat these sites as normal sites. This does not mean that your computer is now more open to security vulnerabilities. As long as you keep Windows and Internet Explorer updated, you reduce the chances of getting compromised..
Personally, we would remove such lists as they can slow down the Internet Explorer browsing experience.
To clear such lists
  1. Go to
  2. Download and save the DelDomains.inf file into your Desktop
  3. Go to your Desktop, right-click the file and click Install.
DEXTiPS::IE8 for XP user::Good Luck!

Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 2, 2012


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